Bring Back the Missing LMC Link

(submitted by Mark Storey)

Mark Storey

Mark Storey

A&H Library fans,

I am one of the A&H liaisons for BC’s Library Media Center, and thus am on the LMC Advisory Committee (a WAY cool committee gig, by the way). The LMC and that committee is urging BC to replace on BC’s opening webpage the standard link to the LMC. We are sending the letter below to the good folks in charge of such decisions, and are seeking additional faculty names to be added as signees.

If you wish to make accessing the LMC webpage as easy as possible for students and others, place email me at and simply write “LMC Yes” in the subject line.

I’ll add your name to our growing list of faculty and staff seeking to implement this change. If you’d rather phone me, I’m at 425-564-2118. My striking visage may be found in B200-C, or wandering the campus, staring into space in self-reflective meditation.

LMC_2This is not in any way combative or argumentative. There are no bad guys here. We are simply letting some folks know that the LMC and a lot of others would like to see the now-missing front link to the LMC replaced. Below is the letter we plan to send. I hope to hear from many of you, as others in the committee will be hearing from people in their respective divisions.

Dear Website Group,

The Library Media Center’s website is the starting point for accessing all of the library’s materials. Even when physically within the library, one must first visit the LMC’s website to locate the resources the LMC provides. The Library Advisory Committee (LAC), composed of both discipline faculty and librarians, is concerned that no direct link to the Library Media Center (LMC) exists on Bellevue College’s homepage. The library is the gateway to academic resources essential for student success that students would otherwise have to pay for. A majority, 88%, of our SBCTC colleagues provide a link to the library from the college’s homepage.

The LAC respectfully calls upon the Web Development Group to place a direct link to the library on the college homepage. Suggested spaces on the BC homepage include the top right corner above the Search function, or in the bottom right corner under the “Student Links” heading.


The Library Advisory Committee and Concerned Faculty and Staff


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