Send us your feedback on the Strategic Plan Update

Last November, President Wakefield convened a Strategic Plan Update Steering Committee to build on the accomplishment of the original Strategic Plan Task Force and to keep our planning current and effective.

Strategic Plan Update for College Review 3-29-17

Each week we’ll be highlighting the priority initiatives related to one of the four core themes. Use the links below to comment on the plan.

Teaching and Learning Excellence Priority Initiatives Feedback
Student Success Priority Initiatives Feedback

College Life and Culture Priority Initiatives Feedback
Community Engagement and Enrichment Priority Initiatives Feedback

Use the Strategic Plan Update tab above to find more information.




Strategic Plan Update in process during Winter 2017

Dr. Jill Wakefield has convened a Strategic Plan Update (SPU) Steering Committee to review and revise the Strategic Plan. Key tasks for the group will include:

  • Develop an updating process for annual reviews,
  • Create a clearer alignment between the plans, particularly between the Strategic Plan and the re-envisioned Academic Master Plan,
  • Utilize new information and feedback, including the summary findings from Opening Day,
  • Link strategic planning more closely with our core themes,
  • Utilize our existing core theme indicators to establish benchmarks for measuring success,
  • Make it easier to link operational plans to the Strategic Plan, and
  • Update the five-year plan as appropriate.

The Designing Our Future blog site was originally published in AY 2013-2014 to support the strategic planning process. Since then, it has been used to solicit college-wide input on the eLearning Plan, the Equity & Pluralism Plan, and BC Governance. Information about the SPU process will be posted here.

Comments on the blog site or strategic planning are welcome at any time. 


Seattle Times article emphasizes the importance of a college degree

An article by Katherine Long “State’s students falling short in level of education for jobs” shows the importance of college attainment to residents of Washington State and local businesses. According to a recent report conducted in the state, “69 percent of high-school students from 2006 have no degree, not even a certificate from a community college or a professional license.” The Washington Roundtable estimates that 740,000 jobs are expected to open in Washington in the next five years and well over half will require a college degree, certificate or apprenticeship.


BC Governance webpage goes live

For the past two years, this Designing Our Future commons website has been used to post documents and solicit comments about a new governance system for Bellevue College. Last spring, elections were held and appointments made to launch BC Governance (BCG). The official BCG webpage can now be found on the main Bellevue College website ( Please visit that site to find out what’s happening in governance and how you can participate.

President Rule Announces Strategic Priority Initiatives for AY 2016-17

President Rule sent the following letter to the college community, emphasizing key aspects of the Strategic Plan for AY 2016-16.

“This is an exciting time to be at Bellevue College as we embrace a myriad of opportunities to collectively develop and implement key initiatives that are aligned with our Strategic Plan. Our new governance structure reaffirms Bellevue College’s commitment to and investment in a collaborative process that is broad based. This update is provided to communicate recent outcomes from the summer retreats of the Board of Trustees and President’s Cabinet.

During the Board retreat the objectives from our strategic plan were discussed and objectives with higher priorities were identified and grouped.  Further refinement followed at the President’s Cabinet retreat.

Listed below are the key strategic priority initiatives that will be the foundation for our academy-wide planning and implementation throughout the 2016-2017 academic year. Each of your divisions will meet to determine their contributions and overall foci for moving the college toward achieving these initiatives.

These priority items, in particular 1.1 and 3.1, will also provide an opportunity for continued work that advances the 2015-16 priorities (5% increase in retention and completion) and to continue to use those as indicators/measures of progress.

§  SP 1.1. Create an organized and efficient environment where students are able to set and meet their goals.

§  SP 1.2. Forge leadership and participation in new initiatives, certificates, and degrees that meet the needs of the region such as expanded baccalaureate programs.

§  SP 3.1. Offer equitable opportunities: affordability; programs to support success and retention; initiatives such as closing the gap.

§  SP 3.2. Provide equitable services through the practice of universal design and accessibility.

§  SP 3.4. Integrate the principles of social justice into the everyday college operations.

§  SP 5.2. Create uniform and efficient processes based on guiding principles and best practices.

This is an investment in and commitment to student success, access, and affordability as we strengthen the operational infrastructure at Bellevue College. Your support of and participation in making this year’s work plans a reality will be the key to successfully serving our entire community at BC.

I look forward to the next steps as we serve with a spirit of social justice and ensure that the educational experience at Bellevue College is indeed exceptional.”

BC Governance Elections go live May 2-4

All BC employees will be emailed an electronic ballot based on their constituency group: classified, exempt, or faculty. Faculty will vote for Faculty Council members based on their academic division, EWD, LMC, or Counseling status. Your voting email will also include a link to the appropriate voter guide.

Members of the Student Councils have already been selected by the Associated Student Government elections that were recently concluded.

Initial meetings of the constituency councils will take place on the following days/times:

  • Faculty Council, Monday, May 9 from 2:45-4pm
  • Exempt Council, Tuesday, May 10 from 2:45-4pm
  • Classified Council, Thursday, May 12 from 2:45-4pm