Groups on Commons

This page aims to provide a quick guide for Groups on Commons.

What can you do with groups

You may want to create a group for many reasons:

  • create help resources & guides
  • collaborate with peers
  • bounce around ideas
  • publicize & announce events
  • upload files – minutes, forms, documentation
  • collaborate on documents
  • manage committees, task forces, programs, ad-hoc groups
  • plan initiatives

Public, Private, or Hidden

Groups can be public, private or hidden.

  • Public Groups – With a public group everything the group creates is visible on Commons: the group page, member list, and annoucements. No permission is required to join a public group. Public groups can also enable group blogs and set different roles for members.
  • Private Groups – In a private group certain elements of the group are not visible to those who are not members. Only members can see the member list, announcements, and forum posts. The group does appear in the list on Commons Groups page, but non-members can only view a simplified version of the group page. You must request membership to join a private group.
  • Hidden Groups – A hidden group is invisible on Commons to everyone except for group members. The group page, member list, wire, and forum posts are all hidden from the public.

How to Create a Group

Once you are logged into Commons as an employee you can create a group.  Here is how you do it:

Step 1: Go yo the Groups page on Commons and  select the “Create New Group” button.

Step 2: Create a group name and group description. When you’re all set click “Create Group and Continue.”

Step 3: Decide on some of the group settings (such as privacy options

Step 4: Create a group avatar. You can leave the default image or upload one of your own.

Step 5: Invite members to your group.  (People can always join your group later)

Step 6: Finish


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