Kayleen Doornbos wrote a new post on the site Views from a Humble Writer 8 years, 3 months ago
The Ugly Underneath–XTC (YouTube)
Everything Is Broken–Bob Dylan (Soundcloud)
Waiting for the End of the World–Elvis Costello (YouTube)
Kayleen Doornbos wrote a new post on the site Views from a Humble Writer 8 years, 9 months ago
I see striking signifiers as I commute every day through Redmond: the quiet dignity (read annoyance) of a person waiting for a bus, or someone walking who, by their gait, I can tell is pushing through painful […]
Kayleen Doornbos wrote a new post on the site Views from a Humble Writer 9 years ago
I go through periods when I find all music irritating, either because there’s nothing new or of quality being played on the radio (I refuse to subscribe to a service), or because I’m a cranky old whatever. […]
Kayleen Doornbos wrote a new post on the site Views from a Humble Writer 9 years, 2 months ago
There’s an old Schopenhauer-attributed quote that notes that we buy books but can’t also buy the time to read them. Every December I wonder if I will ever make a dent in the inventory of books I have obtained […]
Kayleen Doornbos changed their profile picture 9 years, 3 months ago
Kayleen Doornbos wrote a new post on the site Views from a Humble Writer 9 years, 3 months ago
I got on a song parody kick a couple of summers ago. I drafted four full-length songs, I believe—an astonishing number when I consider I hadn’t written more than a six-line parody of “Silver Bells” a decade before […]
Kayleen Doornbos wrote a new post on the site Views from a Humble Writer 9 years, 3 months ago
Ach, the perennial puzzler of introverts everywhere, but nowhere more underscored than in social media, where connections are de rigueur. If we work together on this, like all utilitarian social schema, we can […]