HCTM is in the process of creating new courses and are planning to submit the following the Bellevue College Curriculum Committee:
- Electronic Health Records – this will come after students finish HCTM 310. I’m looking at a text that is in Books 24/7 as one of the required texts. http://www.amazon.com/Electronic-Health-Records-Strategies-Management/dp/1567935605 I think there might be material in this text that will be useful in 430 and 440.
- Healthcare Informatics Research Methods – I’m not sure this one will make it – Gita Bangera, our Dean of Research, and I have talked about this. I think it’d be awesome and would certainly prepare students for grad school, if that’s where they want to go. I think it might also help them when they get to the analytics courses.
- Health Information Seeking – this would be a prerequisite for Laura’s Health and Information Literacy course. Students would learn how to look for, find, and evaluate information from a variety of sources. Then when they get to Health and Information Literacy, they would focus on fine tuning their search skills and then using the information to meet some health information need based on the audience’s health literacy
- Human-Computer Interactions in Healthcare – This would focus on usability and design.
We are also looking at the IT courses that are required for students with a healthcare background, particularly the networking class. That has consistently not been a favorite with students.