What are some ways in which you see the “classroom” evolving and/or adapting to changes over the next 10 years?
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Please feel free to think of this question in terms of the college as a whole, as well as in relationship to your own discipline, expertise, or experience. You might want to comment of changes in student learning styles, how (and where) we teach, class scheduling, technology uses, textbooks, etc.
There is a lot of material on this topic “out there” – here are some articles/reports (mostly from outside Higher Ed) that might generate some ideas:
- Changing Course: Connecting Campus Design to A New Kind of Student – a study by Gensler (a global architecture and design firm)
- Winners of the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence – see what are the leaders doing now
- Vision an Change in Undergraduate Biology Education (National Science Foundation and the AAAS) – Discipline specific but a look at the future of science education
- Disruptive Education (and other articles on emerging trends) from Education 2020
- Rethinking the Community College Classroom Experience and Using the Cloud to Improve Access for the Disabled (from Campus Technology) – A couple examples of what other colleges are doing with technology
- For an in-depth look at technology and education see the free Educause book – Game Changers: Education and Information Technologies (edited by Diana Oblinger)
Feel free to share other good resources in the comments.
I see more classrooms using ITV & Skype to communicate with student who are already in the classroom.
I see a general trend towards instructors becoming facilitators for bringing the right resources to bear at the right time to their classes. This includes 1) integrating well designed interactive tutorials from online resources like Lynda.com, code.org, coursera.com, udacity.com, Books 24/7, etc. 2) Bringing in external expertise to the classroom via video conferencing programs such as Lync, Google+ Hangouts. or Collaborate 3) Using students as “eyes and ears” to new information and creators of new content through discussions, screencasts, videos, and class wikis.