Strategic Plan Update in process during Winter 2017

Dr. Jill Wakefield has convened a Strategic Plan Update (SPU) Steering Committee to review and revise the Strategic Plan. Key tasks for the group will include:

  • Develop an updating process for annual reviews,
  • Create a clearer alignment between the plans, particularly between the Strategic Plan and the re-envisioned Academic Master Plan,
  • Utilize new information and feedback, including the summary findings from Opening Day,
  • Link strategic planning more closely with our core themes,
  • Utilize our existing core theme indicators to establish benchmarks for measuring success,
  • Make it easier to link operational plans to the Strategic Plan, and
  • Update the five-year plan as appropriate.

The Designing Our Future blog site was originally published in AY 2013-2014 to support the strategic planning process. Since then, it has been used to solicit college-wide input on the eLearning Plan, the Equity & Pluralism Plan, and BC Governance. Information about the SPU process will be posted here.

Comments on the blog site or strategic planning are welcome at any time. 


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