Mark Your Syllabus Public in Canvas

Question: How do I make only my syllabus public?

Answer:  To make only your Syllabus Public, in the Settings for your Canvas course, scroll down almost to the bottom and set the “Visibility” settings like this:

Instructions to make syllabus public in Canvas


  • The “Visibility” menu is where you tell Canvas who is allowed to see your course. Setting this to “Course” means that only the people in your course can see it.
  • The “Customize” checkbox lets you tell Canvas to allow a different audience for the Syllabus page. Checking this allows you to give your Syllabus page different permissions.
  • The “Syllabus” menu is where you tell Canvas who is allowed to see your Syllabus page. Changing this to “Public” means that anybody in the world (with the URL) can view your course’s Syllabus page (but not your whole class – that is set in the “Visibility” menu).