Philosophy Talks

Life's A Nude Beach posterPHILOSOPHY TALKS
Philosophy Exposes Nudist Humor
Wednesday, March 1, 12:30 – 1:20 | LMC Event Center, room D106
Free to students, staff, and surrounding BC community.
Speaker: Mark Storey

Three major theories of humor—the Superiority Theory, the Release Theory, and the Incongruity Theory—each help explain the humor found in longstanding visual jokes about life at nudist camps. Comic postcard images help us understand why we find some things funny, as well as society’s negative attitudes toward the human form.

The Naturist SocietyMark Storey is a tenured Philosophy instructor at Bellevue College, the author of Cinema au Naturel: A History of Nudist Film, video producer of Chasing the Sun, and consulting editor for Nude & Natural magazine.


For more information on the Philosophy Talks series,
contact: Philosophy Department Chair Russ Payne
or 425-564-2079