Process Outline

Outline of our Gen Ed Reform Process

Here is an outline of our current working plan for Gen Ed Reform at BC. Revisions are inevitable.

Stage 1: Establishing Foundations

–          Assemble a Steering Committee

–          Define Objectives

–          Conduct Research

–          Faculty Discussion (where we are now)

Stage 2: Framework Development (Starting Spring 2024)

–          Faculty Survey for new Outcomes

–          Draft Outcomes and KSAs for each outcome

–          Faculty Discussion/Seek Feedback

–          Revise Outcomes and KSAs

Stage 3: Pilot courses and Assessment (Starting in 2024-25)

–          Recruit 3 – 5 courses per outcome to pilot new outcomes and assess with rubrics

–          Review with involved faculty and Gen Ed working groups

–          Revise Outcomes and Assessment

Stage 3: Governance and Committee Structure (2024-25)

–          Establish dedicated sub-committees for each of the Gen Ed outcomes

–          Each committee is responsible for clearly defining and articulating the specific learning outcomes they oversee

–          The sub-committees develop criteria that courses must meet to be certified as fulfilling a Gen Ed outcome

–          The sub-committees determine the preferred model: basic, deluxe or premium for implementing and assessing the outcome

Stage 4: Assessment and Certification

–          The sub-committees develop clear methods for assessing learning outcomes

–          The sub-committees review and recommend courses to the CAC for Gen Ed certification.

Stage 5: Implementation

–        Expand Gen Ed program to reach all students

–        Fine tune outcomes, KSAs and assessment rubrics.

Stage 6: Finalization and Voting

–          Refine the proposal based on pilot feedback and faculty discussions

–          Conduct a faculty vote on the final proposal

Stage 7: Continuous Evaluation and Adaption

–          Review and Reflect

–          Modify and Enhance


Helpful Medium post

13 Ways of Looking at General Education Reform | by Constance Relihan | The Faculty | Medium

Data Uncategorized

SBCTC Outcomes Language

Fatma Serce has compiled outcomes language for a few common outcome accross the SBCTC system. Several BC faculty have asked for this in hope of finding good examples to follow. As you’ll see, examples from other institutions vary widely. So, we will still need to decide for ourselves what we want for our students.

We ultimately need to go granular and think about the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) we want our students to develop while they are at BC. If we do this first, formulating operational definitions of our outcomes that reflect our KSAs should be relatively straightforward.

Here’s the Excel file Fatma prepared.