Process Outline

Outline of our Gen Ed Reform Process

Here is an outline of our current working plan for Gen Ed Reform at BC. Revisions are inevitable.

Stage 1: Establishing Foundations

–          Assemble a Steering Committee

–          Define Objectives

–          Conduct Research

–          Faculty Discussion (where we are now)

Stage 2: Framework Development (Starting Spring 2024)

–          Faculty Survey for new Outcomes

–          Draft Outcomes and KSAs for each outcome

–          Faculty Discussion/Seek Feedback

–          Revise Outcomes and KSAs

Stage 3: Pilot courses and Assessment (Starting in 2024-25)

–          Recruit 3 – 5 courses per outcome to pilot new outcomes and assess with rubrics

–          Review with involved faculty and Gen Ed working groups

–          Revise Outcomes and Assessment

Stage 3: Governance and Committee Structure (2024-25)

–          Establish dedicated sub-committees for each of the Gen Ed outcomes

–          Each committee is responsible for clearly defining and articulating the specific learning outcomes they oversee

–          The sub-committees develop criteria that courses must meet to be certified as fulfilling a Gen Ed outcome

–          The sub-committees determine the preferred model: basic, deluxe or premium for implementing and assessing the outcome

Stage 4: Assessment and Certification

–          The sub-committees develop clear methods for assessing learning outcomes

–          The sub-committees review and recommend courses to the CAC for Gen Ed certification.

Stage 5: Implementation

–        Expand Gen Ed program to reach all students

–        Fine tune outcomes, KSAs and assessment rubrics.

Stage 6: Finalization and Voting

–          Refine the proposal based on pilot feedback and faculty discussions

–          Conduct a faculty vote on the final proposal

Stage 7: Continuous Evaluation and Adaption

–          Review and Reflect

–          Modify and Enhance

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