Bellevue College students, faculty, staff, as well as community members are invited to participate in a review of three major college plans, which have been in development throughout the 2013-14 academic year. The Strategic, Academic, and Student Affairs plans posted on this site are currently in DRAFT form and available for comment May 12-23.
You may provide comments in several ways:
(1) Post your feedback in the comments box at the end of each plan (see Draft Plans). These will be visible for others to read.
(2) Send your comments anonymously by using this survey link.
(3) Download and print out a pdf version of the plan, write comments and return it to Tracy Biga MacLean (mail stop A202).
(4) Bring your verbal or written comments to the Open House (May 19 or 20) or facilitated feedback sessions (May 20).
We look forward to your comments and suggestions!
Well, in light of the current stream of vitriol coming through the faculty listserve, it seems pretty clear that this one, “Goal—Strengthen Relationships: Provide a Nurturing and Productive Community,” is not being met right now. I hope that BC faculty are treated better and paid a living wage here in the very near future, or this goal may recede even further into the ether…