College Assembly officers elected

The BC Governance College Assembly met Monday, June 13, for the first time and elected the following officers for 2016-2017.

Chair: Jason Fuller (faculty)
Vice chair: Sam Akeyo (student)
Secretary: Becky Turnbull (classified staff)

The election of the Assembly officers completes the election and appointment process. Members are seated for positions on the Assembly and all councils. Council membership rosters and a list of council officers can be found on the BC Governance page.

The Governance Development Team would like to thank everyone who participated in the election and appointment process. Additional opportunities to serve on committees will arise in the coming months.

BC Governance Election Results

The Bellevue College community has completed its first election for the constituency councils of the new BC Governance system. The Governance Development Team–Jim Craswell, Jason Fuller and Tracy Biga MacLean–and Governance Coordinator Alice Jenkins worked closely with Michèle Royer to achieve a secure and anonymous ballot. We are happy to report that more than 30% of college faculty and staff participated in the voting.

Faculty Council Membership 2016-2017
Exempt Council Membership 2016-2017
Classified Council Membership 2016-2017

Elected members can expect a welcome email. Details about the first two meetings of the constituency councils can be found here.

The next step will be for the constituency councils to appoint the membership of the functional councils, all of which will meet on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 8 (NOTE DATE CHANGE). The first meeting of the College Assembly will take place on Monday, June 13.

Thanks to everyone who nominated a colleague, ran for a council, or voted. We appreciate your participation.

Culminating Feedback Survey Results and FAQs

Thanks to everyone who completed the recent Culminating Feedback Survey. The Governance Development Team appreciates the positive results and the many comments, questions, and suggestions. The document below shows the level of consensus by employee group as well as responses to some of the most frequently asked questions about the new system.

Culminating Feedback Survey Results and FAQs

Question of the Week: Governance or Management?

The Reinventing Governance Task Force has considered the differences between governance–significant decisions that require broad input and consensus–and management–day to day operational decisions that can be made according to established processes.

Based on your experience, what are some current or recent examples of decisions that could be considered governance and what are some current or recent examples of decisions that could be considered management?


Campus Invited to Comment on Governance Report

The coordinated strategic planning processes, conducted during AY 2013-2014, resulted in new strategic, academic master, and student affairs plans. Governance and planning emerged as immediate issues of that work. As a result, President Rule established a Reinventing Governance Task Force (RGTF) and charged its members to examine governance models from other institutions and determine the parameters for a successful system. The RGTF met for a total of seven sessions in January, February, and March.

Following the submission of A Report to the President from the Reinventing Governance Task Force, President Rule asked that the RGTF continue its work by soliciting comment from all campus constitutencies. Please take a look at the report and provide feedback. The How to Participate page provides various ways to comment.