The Student, Faculty, Exempt, and Classified councils are currently working on their appointments to the functional council. Some positions are still pending, but partial lists can be found on the Council Membership page.
Monthly Archives: May 2016
BC Governance Election Results
The Bellevue College community has completed its first election for the constituency councils of the new BC Governance system. The Governance Development Team–Jim Craswell, Jason Fuller and Tracy Biga MacLean–and Governance Coordinator Alice Jenkins worked closely with Michèle Royer to achieve a secure and anonymous ballot. We are happy to report that more than 30% of college faculty and staff participated in the voting.
Faculty Council Membership 2016-2017
Exempt Council Membership 2016-2017
Classified Council Membership 2016-2017
Elected members can expect a welcome email. Details about the first two meetings of the constituency councils can be found here.
The next step will be for the constituency councils to appoint the membership of the functional councils, all of which will meet on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 8 (NOTE DATE CHANGE). The first meeting of the College Assembly will take place on Monday, June 13.
Thanks to everyone who nominated a colleague, ran for a council, or voted. We appreciate your participation.