Sabbatical Leave applications due February 1, 2021

(Email: December 8, 2020)

As you contemplate the new decade and the eventual end of COVID-quarantine …. I wanted to send a quick reminder that Sabbatical Leave applications for academic year 2021-22 are due on February 1, 2021. I’ve attached a copy of the application form to this email, but you may also find it in the Forms Library on SharePoint filed under Employees (Human Resources) – Faculty. 

The Sabbatical Leave Committee will review all applications and submit recommendations to the President, who in turn will send the committee’s recommendations along with his own approval or alternate recommendations to the Board of Trustees for approval. The BOT will have a “first read” of these recommendations in March or April and vote on these recommendations at their next meeting. 

As you know, the purpose of a Sabbatical Leave is to improve the professional skills of the faculty member through study, research, and creative work. The College also receives direct benefits through the increasing effectiveness of faculty who participate in this professional leave opportunity. Remember that each leave recipient is required to submit a written report to the President within one month of their return from Sabbatical Leave. If you want to refresh your memory about the details on sabbaticals, please read Article 22 of the faculty contract: BCAHE Negotiated Contract. 

If you are interested in applying for sabbatical, submit your application to the Academic Affairs Office in A202 on or before Monday, February 1, 2021. Feel free to contact me or David López-Kopp, faculty chair of the Sabbatical Review Committee, if you have any questions. 


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