Tag Archives: lessons

Excel Final Project: the Only True “Student Data File”

Always seem to be working on the BTS 165 final project. Tweaking it to make it better…

One realization I had in Monday night class last night is this: this project is, essentially, like creating your own “Student Data File.” That is, for every assignment in this Go! textbook, the authors provide the data for you. Most of the time, that is in the form of a starting file, which the publishers always seem to call “student data files.” (Why they don’t call them “starting data files,” i don’t know.) Sometimes, they’ll have you start with a blank Excel file, then tell you what to type where. But either way, you do not create your own data.

The final project is the only assignment in this class in which the student creates their own starting data file. THAT really is a “Student Data File!” (ha!)